Lodge Glencairn No 401
As a matter of interest, Lodge St Maurs was not the first Lodge in Kilmaurs.
On the 7th February 1831, Lodge Glencairn No 401, later 330, was granted a Charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland, the first R.W.M. being Bro. James Ralston of Towerhill.
Extract from Charturly - Volume 3, held by the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Edinburgh, presented to Lodge St Maurs by Honorary Member Bro. Archibald Chalmers P.M. of Lodge Thistle No 127 (1987)
Kilmaurs Glencairn, Ayrshire - 7th February 1831
An application was made to the Grand Lodge of Scotland by James Ralston Esq. of Towerhill, and other in and about Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, craving a Charter to Hold a Lodge in that village under the name and Title of Kilmaurs Glencairn Lodge, and this Petition, with ample Certificates from the Provincial Grand Master of Ayrshire, and the Kilwinning and St Andrew Lodge, Kilmarnock, having been duly considered, the Grand Lodge of Scotland granted the following Charter to Kilmaurs Glencairn Lodge and appointed the following Brethren to be the first Office Bearers of the Lodge.
James Ralston Esq.
Robert Miller
William Armour
Robert Boyd
John Cuthbertson
James Smith
James McQueen
​Right Worshipful Master
​Worshipful Depute Master
​Past Master
​Senior Warden
​Junior Warden
Given at the Grand Lodge of Scotland this 7th Day of February 1831 and of Light 5831, by:
H.M. William 4th, Patron of the Ancient Order of St John's Masonry for Scotland.
George William Fox, Lord Kinnaird (Grand Master).
Henry David, Earl of Buchan (Depute Grand Master).
Sir John Hay of Haystown, Bart (Substitute Grand Master).
Archibald Buller of Fascaline, Esq. (Senior Grand Warden).
Sir John Murray Naysmith, Bart, of Dawick (Junior Grand Warden).
Alexander Lawrie, Esq. (Grand Secretary).
James Bartram, Esq. (Grand Clark)
Unfortunately Lodge Glencairn went dormant sometime in 1836.
An announcement was printed in the Kilmarnock Standard on 22nd January 1876 calling a meeting of members of Lodge Glencairn to meet in the Wheat Sheaf Hotel, Kilmaurs to consider reviving the Lodge. It would appear that this was unsuccessful as no masonic Lodge was known in Kilmaurs until St Maurs No 1398 was chartered in 1940.