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On Saturday 7th December 1940 a large gathering of Freemasons from various Provinces throughout Scotland were present to witness the Consecration of the new Lodge, Lodge St Maurs, Kilmaurs No 1398.

The R.W.P.G.M. of Ayrshire, Bro. James E. Shaw presided, assisted by a large deputation of P.G.L. Office Bearers.

The Ceremony of Consecration included Grand Honours. The P.G. Secretary read the Charter of Lodge of St Maurs, Kilmaurs No 1398 and presented it to R.W.P.G.M.

The R.W.M. and Office Bearers (Elect) of Lodge St Maurs, Kilmaurs No 1398 were presented to the R.W.P.G.M. who directed the P.G. Director of Ceremonies to make the proclamation.

'R.W.P.G.M., W.P.G. Wardens, and Worthy Brethren, I am directed to make a proclamation.'

'That by virtue of the Power and Authority of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Freemasons of Scotland, these Brethren are now Constituted a Regular Lodge of Freemasons by the Title and Designation of the Lodge St Maurs No 1398, to be holden at Kilmaurs, of and within the jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Lodge of  Ayrshire. And from henceforth they are fully empowered to exercise all their rights and Privileges, agreeable to the terms of their Charter, the Constitution and Laws of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire, and the Ancient and Established Usages of the Fraternity, and may the Most High be with them and prosper them in this their undertaking.'

At the close of the Ceremonial Consecration P.G. Junior Warden Bro. R. Scott installed the first R.W.M. of Lodge St Maurs No 1398, Bro. Thomas Campbell, and the Office Bearers of the Lodge.

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